Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Patrick, Kevin's Dad

June 21, 2013
When I rose early the next morning, I went back to the beach to collect my thoughts and figure out what the heck I was doing and where the heck I was going next. I relaxed for a while before I decided I would go ahead and shoot on over to Panama City Beach. It was only about an hour drive, and short of a few miniature rain showers, the drive was nice and smooth.
I chose to take the scenic route, which allowed me to drive along the sea side for several miles. I cruised for a while on the long road, searching up and down for a good place to park my Jeep and hop my butt in that beautiful ocean water, and finally found a spot free of charge and free of creepers.
Beautiful view when I parked (rainbow left corner)- PCB, FL
With not-so-ideal sleeping conditions in my car the night before, I found a cozy spot on the beach to rest my head. I took a nice long slumber and when I woke, a young Hispanic gentleman was standing at my feet! He didn’t say a word, and seemed to just be staring at me in awe. What was going on? I didn’t say anything either, which probably made me seem like a super weirdo as well, but I was rather discombobulated and at a loss for words. After further examination of this peculiar fellow, I noticed his back and side of his forehead had large, fresh scrapes on them. “Did you get sucked down in the undertow little bro?” I wanted to ask him, but before I could inquire as to if he was okay or not, he smiled a half-hearted smile at me and walked away. I took a quick plunge in the ocean to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I was completely baffled by that bizarre encounter, but there was nothing to do about it now. Weird.
I looked out in the distance and noticed the sun beginning to set as a large storm cloud moved in. Beach storms are one of my most favorite things to shoot pictures of because of the dark, exaggerated wall clouds and ominous feelings they cast throughout the entire beach. I began to make my way to my car parked nearby to retrieve my camera, but was stopped by an older man with his dog before I could make it there. The man tried to make conversation with me, but I was in a bit of a hurry to take pictures of this optimal photography opportunity and hurried past him. I left the poor man hanging and spent several moments photographing the threatening, stormy scenery.

Storm in the distance- PCB, FL
Feeling satisfied with my shots, I walked back in the direction of my car where I was stopped again by the man. He was rather inquisitive about my camera, which was a topic I was more than happy to talk about! I needed to ask someone about finding a public shower in the area anyway. The man turned out to be very friendly, but not in a creepy kind of way. He had grey hair on the sides of his head, but was balding on top, which I only was able to see when he took off his dirty United States Army hat to introduce himself to me. His name was Patrick, and decayed holes in his mouth where teeth once used to be gave me hints of the hard times he had faced and was possibly still facing. His grungy clothes and large knapsack that sat beside his dog, Sadie, led me to believe that he, too, was without a permanent home for the time being. After watching the sunset with Patrick and Sadie and having pleasant conversation, I decided I had better head out on my quest for a shower, which Patrick was unable to assist with. Before I made it to my car, Patrick called out behind me, “Excuse me! If you don’t mind me asking, are you between the ages of 21 and 25?” I wonder where this is going. “Yes sir, I am.” I replied. After a slightly awkward pause, he said, “Well, I know this is strange, but I think you and my son Kevin would just hit it off. He’s a smart young man and you’re a beautiful young lady. He lives nearby Jacksonville. You should contact him once you get to where you’re going.” In a situation like this, I wasn’t exactly sure what to do…so I said, "Sure, why not?" I know you're all thinking I'm a loon, and I probably am, but I mean, it was just a phone number! I told him to give me his contact information, but he didn’t know it so I poked mine in his go-phone and drove off into the dark. Before I was even a mile down the road, my phone rang. Oh boy… Since I was looking up directions to a park in Panama City Beach where I read there were public showers, I let the call go to my voicemail. When I listened to it, this is what it said: “Hi Rylie. This is Patrick, Kevin’s dad. Kevin’s number is *000-000-0000. Tell him I gave you his number and…I swear, y’all would be great. Oh my God... Have a great evening. It was very nice to meet you young lady. You have a wonderful time.” Honestly, I don’t know if I will ever seriously reach out to Kevin, but what genuinely nice man his dad was.
I got to the park shortly after leaving the beach. I hadn’t showered since the day before yesterday, (I know, I’m raunch L), so after being in the sand and saltwater all day, I was so excited to finally be clean! I approached the building where I assumed the showers would be, but when I tugged on the wrought iron doors, they didn’t open. Are you kidding me?! I saw a man through the gate and hollered at him, “Excuse me! Is there a shower I can use in there, please?” When he told me they closed at sunset, I seriously almost cried. I know I sound like the ultimate drama queen right now, but seriously, I was so stoked for that shower… I stood there for a few moments longer looking pitiful and defeated, trying to conjure up a plan B. I don’t know if I can stand sleeping another sweaty night in my car with sand all up in my everywhere!
I decided I would try the pier where showers could usually be found. If there wasn’t one there, I didn’t know what I was going to do! As I drove speedily to the pier, I tried to think ahead, (which I clearly don’t do very well), to figure out a plan C should shower plans not work out at this location either. I wasn’t very successful with developing a third option, but I had made it to the pier and I was on a hunt for that fresh water! I didn’t know where it was coming from, but as soon as I stepped out of my vehicle I heard that sweet, sweet pitter patter of shower water hitting the ground. I approached the brightly lit building where I thought the sound was coming from, but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a fat padlock on the gated entry. This. Is. Not. Real. Life. As I turned around to go back to my car to sulk in my stinky, sticky and sorrows, I spotted a tall brown pole with water shooting out of a spigot. It was an outdoor public shower! HALLELUJAH! I scurried to my car to gather my soaps, shampoos and towel. I’m sure it’s probably really against the pollution rules, or something like that, to use body and hair washing products in the outdoors, but at this point I really didn’t care. I practically skipped back to the shower with a grin on my face the entire time feeling elated that I was going to be clean again. People that watched me probably thought I was high or something, but they were the last thing on my mind!
That was literally the best shower of my life. If you’ve ever wondered what it's like to feel like a brand new woman, try not showering for a few days, getting sand-i-fied at the beach, sweating throughout the night in your car, searching aimlessly for a shower with no luck, then eventually stumbling upon one and FINALLY being able to wash away all that chaos that preceded your heavenly find. (Yes, guys, this will make you feel like a brand new woman as well.)
Feeling rejuvenated after my shower, I snatched my laptop from my car and walked out onto the sand to do a little late night blog writing. I wrote for a while before closing up my bright computer to really enjoy the evening. Sitting at the beach at night is one of the most relaxing and peaceful things you can possibly do in this busy world we live in. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, relaxing as the cool ocean breeze blew against my skin.
After about an hour or so of relaxation, I returned to my car and began my pursuit for a Walmart parking lot. I drove about twenty minutes before arriving at the welcoming lot. I went through my standard parking lot nightly routine of plastering my sun shades in the windshield, sucking the ends of my two towels in the tops of each of my windows to block out as much of the light as possible, laying out my sleeping pad, and finally, I laying down to snooze.
After about an hour or so of relaxation, I returned to my car and began my pursuit for a Walmart parking lot. I drove about twenty minutes before I arrived at the welcoming lot,  set up camp for the night, and snoozed hard.

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