Friday, June 21, 2013

Manly Moe's Mondays

June 17, 2013

All of the boys headed off to work this morning so it was just me and Sadie, the black Labrador, hanging out when I woke up. Yesterday the boys told me Fort Pickens was a cool sight to see and a great place to snap some interesting pictures. I planned to go there after getting ready and making a phone call to my future school to straighten out some details for my transfer. Since I hadn’t yet acquired the wifi password to the crews house, I went to McDonald's, (shocker), so that I was able to pull up the school’s website as I spoke with them on the phone. I was there for THREE HOURS due to lengthy telephone holds and confusion on the school’s part. By the time I finished ironing things out, I texted Chris to let him know I was about to head to the fort. He responded back telling me that he and his friends were planning to play beach volleyball at a restaurant called Flounders when he got off work. He told me I should wait until tomorrow to check out Fort Pickens since it was at least a 2 hour excursion and invited me to tag along for the game. Though I was anxious to get some unique photos from this location, I took Chris’s advice and opted to visit the fort tomorrow.
I went to the beach to pass time between now and when Chris would be available to hang out. With vast options of beach access points to chose from, I searched for one in particular called “White Cross.” Chris mentioned this point in particular would suit me best based on its semi-secluded location and the age range of people who go there. When I spotted the large white cross sitting atop a huge sand dune, I whipped into one of the very few parking spots. I turned my car into a changing room and squirmed into my swimsuit. I then proceeded to gather up my beach essentials: a low-sitting tie-dye chair, towel, and of course, my camera. As I walked down the pathway towards the water my breath was taken away. The fine grains of white sugary sand dispersed under my feet with each step and I embraced the cool breeze on my face as I gazed out at the crystal clear water. I plopped down my belongings and darted off into the beautiful saltwater sea. I ducked my head into the ocean and when I came back up for air I spun myself in a full circle. I breathed a deep breath and released it slowly, allowing myself to completely cherish this enchanting moment.

White Cross- Pensacola, FL

I took photos of this paradise before Chris contacted me and said it was time to head to Flounders. When I arrived, I saw Chris sitting with another young man who I came to find out was named Jake. They informed me we were waiting for another one of their friends, Ginny, who was bringing the ball. While we waited, Jake asked me how long I was planning to say in Pensacola. I told the two of them I was planning to leave Tuesday morning, which was tomorrow. Immediately they dove into stories of going out on Wednesday nights and told me that it would be in my best interest to stick around for that if I wanted to have a good time. I told them I would consider it, after all, I really didn’t have anywhere planned to stay next.
Ginny arrived and after a brief introduction, we jumped on the court for a little 2 v 2 action. I warned everyone that I hadn’t played volleyball in several years and told them I would undoubtedly do a terrible job, but if they were willing to put up with my suckiness, I was down to get down. Chris decided to take one for the team and voted to be on my side. After starting the game off awfully and obtaining a score of 8-0 (Our side had 0, just in case you didn’t pick up on that), Chris and I had a pep talk and decided we were about to make a brutal come back! A brief gust of luck swept over us and somehow we got the opportunity to serve the ball. Oh boy…Here goes nothing! I stepped outside of the back corner of the court and crossed my fingers I could hit it over. I tossed the ball high in the air and spiked it hard with my right hand. It went soaring and splat on sand on the opposite side of the net. Whether we gained a point because Ginny and Jake were in shock that I actually made the ball over or because I’m a beast at volleyball is a mystery to us all, but I’m willing to side with the latter of the two. ;) After only one more serve over the net, we lost control of the ball and once again, it was the other side’s turn to hit. Chris and I ended up getting skunked with a final score of 21-9, but even still, I had a blast getting a mini work out from chasing the ball and cracking up with Chris. Jake and I took a dip in the ocean to cool off while Chris and Ginny went to snag a pitcher of ice cold water for us all to hydrate with.
After taking a brief break, Colleen, a friend of the group, arrived and she was eager to hop in the game. During our intermission, a group of 4 boys began to play volleyball on the court adjacent to ours. Chris asked them if they wanted to join in on a game or two and they agreed. This was my chance to escape and let Chris, Jake, Ginny, and Colleen take on the boys without me and actually have a shot at winning. I made a quick trip to my car to grab my camera and began to snap some action shots of the game and of the surrounding beach area.
As I was taking pictures, a guy smoking a cigarette approached me and conjured up a conversation. His name was Alex and he was from California. Alex from Cali had a rough, grungy look to him, with shaggy, dirty blonde hair, tattooed skin, and an intense five o’clock shadow. When he found out I was travelling as well, he asked for my number so that we could potentially hang out while we were both in Florida or if I ever found myself on the West Coast. Even though Alex from Cali seemed very friendly, my internal sketch detector was alarming me that it was probably not a good idea to hang out with this guy alone, so I poked a fake number in his phone and said goodbye.
A couple games and numerous photographs later, everyone was finished playing for the day, and yes, my people conquered the court and won! Ginny ended up having to leave for her flag football game, so the remaining four of us headed to the water to hang out. While we all chatted, Chris mentioned one of his friends, Bridey, was moving to the same area as I was and needed a roommate.
I forgot to mention that Chris previously attended the same school I’m going to! How ironic is that?! He knows all the great places to go out to, ideal locations to live, and tons of people who he’s going to hook me up with.
So, back to what I was saying. Bridey is looking for a roommate and wants to live in a beach house, just like me. Since I previously had absolutely no contacts or plans for when I moved, I was completely stoked to hear this great news.
We all hung out and talked in the water for an hour or so before heading back to the house to shower up. Today was Monday and that means everyone goes to the build-your-own burrito joint, Moe’s, for the $5.99 special. Once everyone was ready to go, all six of us, plus another friend named Jake W. (a different Jake than earlier), piled into two cars and headed off to “Manly Moe’s Mondays,” as the boys call it. The special included a burrito filled with contents of your choice, chips, and a drink. What a deal! We made short work of our delicious burritos since we were in a time crunch to make it to see This is the End at the movie theater.
Ryan had to be up early in the morning, so he chose to go home instead of joining us at he movies which meant Jake W. had to pile in the car with us for the ride there. We rode six deep in a car that sat five, with four people packed as tight as sardines in the back. At least if we got in an accident none of us would fly out! Plus, this provided bonding time for all of us, right? Luckily, the theater wasn’t far away and none of us were deformed too badly once we emerged from the vehicle. Kailee, Jake W’s girlfriend, and Jake S. from earlier also joined us to watch movie. This is the End was hilarious, and if you enjoy silly comedies then I recommend seeing it! When the clock hit 11, the film was over and as we were walking out, Luis realized Fast 6 was just about to begin. A quick glance between the boys and I was all that needed to happen in order for us to agree to sneak in to that movie next. The whole crew, minus Kailee, popped in the theater and prepared ourselves for movie number 2 of the night. Fast 6 didn’t live up to our expectations, but it was still an enjoyable time. During the walk to the car, Jake S. asked what was on my agenda for tomorrow and I responded by telling him the only plans I had were to scope out Fort Pickens. He offered to take me out on his jet ski and said we could ride up to Fort Pickens together that way. Since the rest of the boys had to work again in the morning, I jumped on the opportunity to do something exciting and hoped to be able to get some neat photos.
Jake S. left and once we got home, Abner turned in for the night. Jake W., Luis, Chris and I stayed up hanging out in the living room for a while before a grumpy Ryan emerged from his bedroom. “Do you think you guys could take this outside or something, please?” He asked sleepily. Yikes! We felt bad that we woke him up so we scurried out back where interesting conversations continued and more great stories were told.
When the sky began to turn from dark to light, we realized that it was 5 in the morning! Chris jumped up abruptly and without saying much he hurried off to bed. Since the rest of the boys also had to work early in the morning, the three of us followed shortly after.
I couldn’t believe we stayed up until 5 after being up until 4 the night before, but I suppose time flies when you’re having fun.

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